Thanks for visiting this page! It is the home of Krimskramz, a DIY label offering records and additional objects.
It has been founded in the beginning of 2015 in Würzburg, Germany and has been relocated to Barcelona in the end of 2015.
Originating in a Hardcore/Punk/Emo background Krimskramz already incorporates more than just these genres and for example gives home for more abstract, noisy, Electroacoustic and (No)Folk music, sticking to the DIY/DIT spirit of the above mentioned background.
Newest distro update includes:
Artús – Cerc 12″ DLP
Bòsc – s/t 12″ LP
Le Choc des Électrons Libres – s/t 12″ DLP
Polyphème – Le Rêve de Polyphème 12″ DLP
We started an electroacoustic gamelanesc organism and played our first concerts.
Next one 15.02. in Electropura – Valencia, es:
Newest releases:
050: ATOMIZADOR / ZANUSSI – Split out now!
049: TANO! – Intanostellar 12″ LP out since Summer 2023.
048: OTOK KRK / KOSTRENA – Split Tape (Free Impro, Noise) release Date unknown yet.
047: KENNEL – True Norwegian Happy Noise (Harsh Noise) tape release Date unknown yet.
046: PIONERA – Bolsa de piedras 12″ (Alternative Rock, Post Hardcore) out since Autumn 2022.
045: KLS / MARTÍ – Fama Split 12″ (Noise, Powerviolence, Electronic) out since Spring 2022.
044: НАРКО ПТИЧКА – III Tape (Electroacoustic, Avantgarde) release Date unknown yet.
043: VARIOUS INDIVIDUALS – Ακούσματα Απομόνωσης _α Tape (Ambient, Electroacoustic, Noise) out since Spring 2022.
036: WILLIAM LUKE VALERIO – He pujat al cel i he vist tots els dimonis dels que fugia Tape
(Ambient, Spokenword, Pop) release Date unknown yet.

042 ALIBIKONKRET – torpor Tape (Electroacoustic, Noise, Lofi, Ambient)
041 KLS – Noisehits 12″ (Noise/Powerviolence)
040: ALIBIKONKRET – Dummy Data Tape (Ambient, Electroacoustic)
039: TERESA CARRETERO FRANCISCO RICO – Flaschenpost Tape (Improvisation, Ambient, Political)
038: ABOVE THE TREE – King Above Tape (Noise, Blues, Folk)
037: FLIEßGEWÄSSER / IVETTE DÍAZ-ESPÍN – Enllaç Tape & Fanzine (Ambient,
Electroacoustic, Poetry, Impro)

035: LYTIC – onesidedlp 12″ (Screamo, Grind, Ex-Saetia, Ex-OffMinor)
034: TRÖPICAL ICE LAND – D 12″ LP (Screamo, Postrock)
033: TANO! – Cants Als Malsons 12″ LP (Post-Hardcore)
032: RECIPROCATE – Demo Tape (Rock, Blues, Ex-Shieldyoureyes)
Feel free to folllow us on Bandcamp in order to be informed about new releases automatically:
Spam: Feel free to check the related stuff section
electroacoustic gamelanesc organism – is an attempt of dissolving our egos, trying to create an open, free and ever-changing organism, made up of various individuals, their interdisciplinary talents and limitations.
Fließgewässer is my personal electroacoustic expression.
Domet duo, trio, quartett, quintett playing NoFolk / (free) impro.
Temenos is a Rock band of Marta, Nicolas and Heinzel.
Bicíclope is a group of dynamo powered noise bikes.
Teresa c.f.r. is a Duo of Petra and H1el.
alibikonkret the alias of my friend Matthias.
Lungern is a punk band. Personal spam over.